We are currently $ 1, 533 over our CMA goal
Any amount over our goal will be returned to us to use on upcoming projects. Thank you to everyone who has contributed & remember that we have through the end of the year to continue building this amount.
Learn more about the Catholic Advocacy Network - an initiative of the Minnesota Catholic Conference. This network allows a person to easily stay informed about upcoming legislation,and to contact our state representatives to voice our concerns or support. It includes thousands of Catholics and non-Catholics from Minnesota who are striving to live their faith in a challenging culture.
By joining the free network, you will receive periodic e-mails and a monthly E-Update in order to promote life and dignity. Consider visiting the Catholic Advocacy Network Action Center to join!
DAILY MASS: 7AM (English) Monday - Friday
THURSDAY: 7PM (Spanish)
SATURDAY: 4:30PM (English) with Confessions prior from 3:30PM - 4:15PM
SUNDAY: 8AM (English), 10AM (English) and 12PM (Spanish)