After completion of the service opportunities, all students must complete a Service Summary Report. Guidelines are HERE!
Greater Rochester Area Ministry Related Service
- Work Days @ the Handmaids: Travel to New Ulm, MN to help the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus build their convent. Job possibilities include painting, cleaning, moving furniture, and more. Carpool leaves around 7am and returns around 6pm. Contact Matthew if interested – space is limited! This counts as two!
- Rosary Rally for Peace: October – Rosary Rally for Peace, sponsored by America Needs Fatima – Gather at St. John’s Parish downtown Rochester to pray the rosary at Noon.
- 40 Days for Life - Spend an hour in prayer in front of Planned Parenthood in Rochester, MN, praying for an end to the atrocity of abortion. (this is a great group opportunity)
- Thanksgiving: Assisting with Thanksgiving Basket distribution at St. Francis School
- Advent Angel Tree: Various times/roles
- Sunday Lunch Program: Contact Kathy Rossman @ or 507-280-8408.
Service within St. Francis of Assisi Parish - Any service activity done in conjunction with or benefitting St. Francis of Assisi Church and its parishioners.
- Rummage Sale - July
- Totus Tuus - Help with at least 2 days of the Totus Tuus program from June 15-19, 2015
- Church Cleaning - Dates TBD.
- Fall Festival
- Set up the week before/helping with games/take down/etc.
- Contact Katie Bowron @
- Faith Formation: Assisting as a classroom aide or leader for prayer
- Church grounds: Fall clean-up – Date to be determined
- Serving at Mass: Altar serving or being a greeter at Mass is service as well! You can only use this once, though. For example, if you serve or greet three times this year, it counts as one service opportunity.
Other Service Activities
- Other opportunities that would be good possibilities are: helping in the Resource Room at St. Francis, Channel One, spending an hour in prayer during the 40 Days for Life, St. Vincent de Paul Society assistance